
Annual disclosure report

For ECOVIS Myployer Norway AS

ECOVIS is pleased to present our first annual disclosure report, demonstrating our commitment to transparency, human rights, and ethical labor practices as mandated by the Åpenhetsloven (Openness Act). This report covers the period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.

Organizational Overview
ECOVIS is a Norwegian-based advisory company providing services in accounting, tax advisory, legal, Employer of Record (EOR), and global mobility. We operate globally, with a particular focus on promoting responsible business practices.

Compliance with Åpenhetsloven
Throughout the reporting period, ECOVIS has diligently adhered to the provisions of the Åpenhetsloven, conducting due diligence assessments, implementing measures, and maintaining transparency in our operations.

Due Diligence Assessments
ECOVIS has conducted regular due diligence assessments in line with OECD guidelines. These assessments consider the size of our organization, the nature of our business, the context in which we operate, and the severity and likelihood of negative consequences.

Key Highlights:
Responsible Policies: Our responsibility is anchored in our organizational policies, emphasizing the importance of respecting fundamental human rights and maintaining decent working conditions.

Identification of Negative Consequences: We have identified and assessed potential negative consequences related to human rights and decent working conditions, considering our supply chains, business partnerships, and operational activities.

Implementation of Measures: ECOVIS has taken proactive measures to address identified negative consequences, emphasizing prevention, mitigation, and remediation.

Stakeholder Communication: We have engaged with stakeholders, including employees, clients, and relevant communities, to communicate our commitment and actions in addressing negative consequences.

Disclosure Report
Overview of Report Sections
Organizational Description: General information about ECOVIS, including our organizational structure, operating areas, and relevant policies and procedures.
Identification of Negative Consequences: Details on negative consequences identified through our due diligence assessments.
Measures Implemented: A comprehensive overview of measures implemented to address negative consequences, highlighting the results or expected outcomes.

Access to the Report
This disclosure report is readily accessible on ECOVIS's official website. It is also incorporated into our broader corporate social responsibility reporting in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Right to Information
ECOVIS acknowledges the right of any individual to request information about how we handle actual and potential negative consequences related to human rights and decent working conditions. Requests for information can be submitted in writing to Jørgen Svendgård.

This inaugural disclosure report reflects ECOVIS's commitment to transparency, ethical business practices, and the principles outlined in the Åpenhetsloven. We remain dedicated to continuous improvement and responsible corporate citizenship.

Legal Compliance - Employer of Record (EOR) Services and the Working Environment Act
ECOVIS, in providing Employer of Record (EOR) services, is committed to ensuring legal compliance with the Working Environment Act. The Working Environment Act, also known as Arbeidsmiljøloven in Norwegian, is a fundamental legislative framework that governs the working conditions of employees in Norway.

Compliance Assurance
ECOVIS's EOR services align with the provisions of the Working Environment Act to guarantee that employees engaged through our services enjoy the rights and protections stipulated by this legislation. We emphasize the following key aspects:

Health, Safety, and Working Conditions: ECOVIS ensures that employees engaged through our EOR services are provided with a safe and healthy working environment, in accordance with the standards set forth by the Working Environment Act.

Terms of Employment: The terms of employment for individuals engaged through our EOR services adhere to the legal requirements outlined in the Working Environment Act. This includes considerations related to working hours, breaks, and other employment conditions.

Employee Rights: Employees engaged through ECOVIS's EOR services are granted the rights and protections afforded to them by the Working Environment Act. This encompasses rights related to leaves, termination, and other employment-related matters.

Continuous Compliance Monitoring
ECOVIS maintains a robust system for monitoring changes in legislation, including updates to the Working Environment Act. Our legal and compliance teams work diligently to ensure that our EOR services evolve in accordance with any amendments or additions to the legal framework.

Access to Information
As part of our commitment to transparency, detailed information regarding the legal compliance of our EOR services under the Working Environment Act is available upon request. Interested parties may submit inquiries in writing to [contact person/email].


ECOVIS is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of legal compliance, particularly concerning the Working Environment Act. Our EOR services are designed to respect the rights and protections afforded to employees under this legislation. We remain committed to transparency and continuous improvement in our practices.